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Solar BMS SBMS100
Solar BMS SBMS100

Solar BMS (Solar Battery Management System) is a solar charge controller designed to replace the Lead Acid solar charge controllers most people use today in Offgrid, RV, Boats and multiple other applications with 12V and 24V systems.
Solar BMS can be used with 3 up to 8 Lithium cells in series (any type) or even supercapacitors.
Any number of parallel cells are no different from a single larger capacity cell so it will just count as one.
The new SBMS0 plus DSSR20 is replacing all other models and can handle up to 30kW of solar PV using multiple DSSR20.

Simplified circuit diagram for the SBMS0 plus multiple DSSR50. Check the user manual for details.

SBMS0 v03d plus DSSR20 can replace the SBMS40, SBMS120 and support up to a 30kW PV array.
Solar BMS SBMS0v03d
DSSR50 v04d will replace the DSSR20.
Solar BMS DSSR50
SBMS0 v02b (no longer available as it is replaced by the v03d).

The new DSSR20 with diversion and asociated DEXT16 (click on image to download user manual).

Solar BMS SBMS120

SBMS60 and SBMS100 are replaced by the new SBMS40 and SBMS120, but this is the latest user manual version.
Solar BMS SBMS100

DMPPT is most likely not what you think, so please read the presentation and spec.
DMPPT was mostly designed to fully heat my small energy efficient house with solar PV.
If all you need is to heat a bit of water with the excess from your small (less than 3kWh) PV array then that can be done with SBMS and some external SSR.
Click on below image to download the Digital MPPT presentation.


For any questions use the forum: Electrodacus Forum

logo1 New SBMS0 v03d CA$189

logo1 WiFi/USB for SBMS0 CA$38

logo1 DSSR50 for SBMS0 CA$98

logo1 DSSR20 with diversion for SBMS0 CA$49

logo1 DEXT16 for DSSR20 with diversion CA$14

* Shipping is calculated automaticaly just for Canada and United States of America.

** If you are from anywhere in Europe, Australia or New Zealand please push the bellow Add to Cart to add the extra CA$35 for Shipping.
